Level 2 Te Reo Maori Auraki

Course Description

To do this course…

Students should have completed the Auraki course in Year 11 or demonstrate equivalent abilities (subject to approval from HOD Te Reo Māori).

What you do in this course…

You will continue to build key language skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking.  Through these tasks you will continue to explore aspects of tikanga and develop your appreciation of te ao Māori.

There is a mix of Internal and External assessments offered.

This is a good choice if…

  • You enjoy building and developing your skills in te reo Māori
  • You are interested in exploring more about te ao Māori
  • You are interested in continuing to study te reo Māori in Year 13


On the Subject Pathway Map, this subject leads to a University Approved subject at Levels 2 and 3